Tuesday, March 27, 2012

bluebonnet sneak peek

There is an amazing bluebonnet hill in my neighborhood every year.  I have been dying to take Pearson's pictures in them since they started blooming last week. 
I talked my hubby into going with me to take some pictures tonight.  Oh my word, they turned out so cute!! There are too many cute ones to post right now, so I'll just post one little sneak peek tonight.  
If your friends with me on facebook you can see them all, if not I'll post the rest tomorrow!!


  1. So cute!!!! This is on my list to do with Hudson in the next week or so.

  2. They look so much brighter on your blog than on my phone. Can't wait to take Landry's pictures next year!

  3. I saw that hill on Sunday and was wondering if you would do a "Pearson in the Bluebonnets" shoot. Love them, but Pearson is adorable in whatever background he is put in!!!!!

  4. SO cute! Can you share where this is?! I would love to take Hadley to take some pictures!
