Wednesday, March 28, 2012

project life {week 12}

I have really enjoyed looking back at my old pages.  It's fun to see almost 3 months completed.  I'm 1/4 of the way finished with Project Life 2012!!
Highlights this week: P's first modeling job and Cousins playdate
Highlights this week: Lunch w/ Nonnie, Izzie's haircut, Sleepy Mommy, Bluebonnets, Bathtime, Sonic, Looking out the window and Swinging in the hammock
Pearson was also dedicated this week at church.  I'll be adding an insert in between these pages, but I didn't get around to making it.

Ever since I got the Big Variety Pack of Page Protectors, I've been wondering how I was going to use the Design E (4 6x6 squares) pages.  I've also been wanting to figure out a way to include all my Photo A Day pictures without putting them in each week's layout.  This week I found out that Wolf Camera has their 6x6 prints on sale each Tuesday and Wednesday for 27 cents, so I tested it out with my January Photos.
I love the way my Photo A Day spread turned out.  It really looks like a calendar. I'm excited that I found a way to incorporate Photo A Day into Project Life!!

Cost this week.....$0.97 prints @ Target

Cost this week.......$2.63 prints @ Wolf Camera

The Mom Creative


  1. Love the photo a day idea. I need to start my project life now that I have the stuff. I just want to get Landry's room done first.

  2. I love the way your photo a day turned out. Looks great!

  3. Love the photo a day. I've been patiently waiting on the clementine kit to come in stock and now it says late may. :( I might just try to do the photo a day pages this year since I would be starting so late. How did you put those prints together? I wonder if the wolf special is at all locations? Love your pages.

  4. great pages! such cute pictures, and I love the photo a spread :)
