Saturday, June 16, 2012

happy 1st birthday, pearson!!

Our baby is ONE today!!
 Happy 1st Birthday Pearson!!
 How in the world has it already been a year?
 We love you so much and can't imagine our lives without you.
You stole our hearts a year ago the moment we first met and our lives are forever changed. 
  You bring so much joy to our lives.
 We look at you every day and wonder how we got so lucky to be your parents.
We are so blessed to have the privilege of raising you, sweet boy.  
 God truly blessed us with you. 
 Happy Birthday P Man.  Mommy and Daddy love you!!
 We can't wait to celebrate this afternoon with all of our family!!
And I just had to include this picture, because doesn't it just scream....
"It's my party, I can cry if I want to!!"
**I'll do his official 12 month post sometime later today, but for now I just wanted to wish my sweet boy a Happy Birthday and share his 1 yr old Birthday pictures!!


  1. Love these photos! So sweet! Happy birthday, Pearson!

  2. Happy birthday Pearson!!! I kept up with you the whole time you were in your mommy's tummy, and this time last year I was in Vegas keeping up via Facebook and the blog world! You're so cute!! Eat some cake for me!

  3. Happy Birthday, Pearson!! Next it will be Harrison's first birthday!! Can't believe it. This year has passed so quickly! Love the photos. Pearson is a doll!!!

  4. Happy birthday, Pearson!

  5. Happy Birthday Pearson! Great photos!

  6. Happy 1st birthday Pearson!!

  7. Happy Birthday Pearson! I held you when you were just a few weeks old! I can't believe you are ONE! :)

  8. Happy 1st Birthday {late} Pearson! These pictures are so fun! I want to do something similar for Adelyn's 1st bday photo shoot!

  9. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Happy 1st Birthday Pearson! I love the birthday photos of him!
