Friday, June 29, 2012

iPhone Rewind {june}

June photo dump......

Rearranging our kitchen chairs is his new hobby.
A little evening swim. 
 Pearson loves to dig around under the cabinet while I get his bath ready. 
 Playing at the library.
 Gearing up for his first Baylor baseball game. 
 The Baylor game was SO hot!!
 Naptime in the car.
Look who we spotted on TV.  My FIL in the green and Matt in the yellow.  
 We went int to check on Pearson and this is how we found him. 
 Pearson got a hold of my phone and left a comment on one of my friend's pictures.  
Just chilling in his chair. 
Enjoying one of his last bottles before he completely moved to sippy cups. 
This seems to be his new favorite way to sleep these days.  
 We lost one of Pearson's puzzle pieces for about 4 days.  I finally found his hiding place when I went to print something.  Silly boy!!
 Pearson loves to look at himself on my camera phone.
I got some sweet hang out time with Olivia while Pearson was napping. 
 Hanging out in the pool with my little man. 

 Pearson loves driving his Cozy Coupe!
Bye Bye!!

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