Friday, June 29, 2012

library fun

We love going to Story Time at our library on Friday mornings.  We haven't been in about a month so I was so glad we were able to go today!!
At the end of Story Time they have a bubble machine, and the kids love it!!
 I just love the way Pearson is looking up at Carson! He seriously adores his cousin. 
 After Story Time we always go look at books and play with the little play cubes.  Olivia preferred to play with her Mommy's wallet today though. 
 Little man loves this thing so it's always a treat for him to play with it on Fridays at Story Time. 
 He just got two new teeth this week so he was testing them out.  Gross.  
 I love that he already loves to look at books.  This really makes the Kindergarten teacher in me very happy!!
 Carson helped me pick out the books that we checked out today.  
 We had a fun morning at the library followed by a fun afternoon at the pool followed by a two hour nap!!
An now we are about to drop off Pearson at my parents house so we can have a kid-free date night!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed ya'll this morning. We went to toddler time today - Naomi napped until almost 11. Love our library's storytime though.
