Friday, July 13, 2012

busy summer day

In honor of the Chick-fil-A cows, we dressed up like cows and got FREE Chick-fil-A today.  
 I don't really mind dressing up and looking like a dummy, but I was happy to have my SIL tag along so I didn't look silly all by myself.  Olivia was a pink cow and Carson was a very unhappy crying cow!!
 Because we were both dressed from head to toe, we got free combos!! Our meal was like $10 and we got it for free!! 
 Pearson's costume didn't even make it to the table though!!
 After our Chick-fil-A breakfast date, I worked out at the gym then took Pearson to Story Time.  Since he missed his morning nap, he crashed on the way home and took a nice long mid-day nap! After his nap we headed over to the Howard's house to meet Mr. Landry.  
After our little visit with The Howards we met back up with Ashley, Carson and Olivia for a little afternoon swim.  It felt so great outside.  I was actually able to lay-out some because it wasn't scorching hot and Pearson played so well with Oliva.  
 They spent half of their time together picking up strawberries, blueberries and grapes that fell on the ground.  They may or may not have snuck a few bites off the ground.  
We had such a fun summer day!! And I'm so proud of my little man for being such a trooper through it all.  He only had one nap today, but was still such a delight!!

 And this wasn't today, but since I met Landry today it reminded me that I forgot to post this picture. Last week I got to meet Baby Westin.  We now officially have 6 baby boys in our class and 2 more boys on the way.  And of course we can't forget our one sweet little girl!! It's been so fun to see our ABF grow this year!!
We are looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend with no big plans except for a family breakfast date to Breadwinners tomorrow morning!!


  1. The cow costumes were too cute and what a fun outting for you and your SIL:) It looks like you guys have had a fantastic summer and I have loved looking at all the cute things Pearson has been up to:) LOVE IT!

  2. I love that you guys all dressed up! Very creative! :) Did you go anywhere else after (dressed as a cow? ;)

    Fun summer day!

  3. Cute cows! So glad little P is getting to experience so many fun things this summer with his sweet mommy!!!

  4. Cute cows! So glad little P is getting to experience so many fun things this summer with his sweet mommy!!!
