Saturday, July 14, 2012

saturday breakfast

This morning we got up and had a little family breakfast date.  We don't ever go out for breakfast because it's always been a tradition to make breakfast at home on Saturdays.  I enjoyed eating out this morning, but I can make breakfast for a whole lot cheaper at home! Plus I can do it in my PJ's!!
Earlier in the week I asked my Facebook friends for some suggestions on good places to go eat breakfast.  There were so many yummy sounding places including Mimi's Cafe, Coffee House Cafe, Original Pancake House, The Egg & I, Dream Cafe and many more.  Our final decision was Bread Winners Cafe.
Pearson usually eats breakfast around 8:30 and we didn't get there until after 9am so he was so hungry. I was so happy when they brought us a little plates of different kinds of yummy breads.  Pearson loved them all.  
 Matt ordered the Chicken and Waffles.
 And I was boring and ordered the Basic Breakfast.  I LOVE my eggs over medium and I just can't cook them like that at home so it's always a treat to get them cooked like this when we are out!!  The cinnamon raisin toast was sooooooo good.  I was kind of sad that Pearson really like it too because I didn't want to share it!!
 This little guy {with a big appetite} just ate little bites of everything off of both of our plates! 
 Mimi's Cafe is next on my list.  Anyone want to join me {and of course that little cutie pictured above} for a breakfast date sometime??


  1. I wish we could meet for breakfast! That all looks SOOO good!

  2. I do I want to try mimis. You need to try Le Peep. SOOOOO GOOD!!!

  3. We do Saturday morning breakfast dates almost every week. We look forward to our breakfast dates every weekend. :)

  4. Too bad I'm not in TX or I would love to meet you and P! I am sure our two boys could do some damage together! ;) I love this last pic of him!
