Thursday, July 19, 2012

chick-fil-a addiction

It's really kind of sad how much I love Chick-fil-A.  And not just any Chick-fil-A, I love MY Chick-fil-A.  They do so many great promotions.  I get FREE Chick-fil-A all the time!!  Every Tuesday they give a free breakfast entree and over the summer they have been doing Rangers nights every now and then where if you wear a Rangers shirt you can get a free sandwich.  Of course we dressed up like cows to get our free Chick-fil-A last week.  I also have the Chick-fil-A calendar where I get something free each month!!  And they also have a Kid's Night and Bingo Night, but I haven't ever participated in those.  Last night, however,  I enjoyed a little Trivia night with Cinnamon!!
 We played 2 rounds of trivia.  The first round was 80's trivia, which was super hard for us since we were born in the 80's and the second round was Geography.  Team Cinnamon, Katy & Pearson won the second round and we won $40 of Chick-fil-A coupons.  

This is just my half of our winnings!!  Looks like I'll be able to feed my addiction for free for quite a while!!
 To celebrate our victory I let Pearson taste my Peach Milkshake (which I got for free for playing Trivia and purchasing a combo).  He loved it!!
And to add to all of my free Chick-fil-A food, I also got a survey on my receipt for another free Chick-fil-A sandwich!!

Is it just me or does FREE food just taste better??


  1. Wow, I'm jealous of all your free food! I eat at Chick-fil-a ALL the time as well haha

  2. Our Chick-fil-A really is the best! We tried Bingo night last Saturday and didn't win squat, although several old biddies won multiple times. It was still kind of fun (though I'm not sure Naomi would agree).

  3. I'm so jealous! You have a great Chick-fil-A!

  4. Free food does taste better! But CFA always tastes good to me! I am definitely addicted too! had it for lunch today and I am jealous of all your coupons. :)

  5. They also give free chickfila to you when they see you visit 4 times a week :)

  6. Which Chick-Fil-A does trivia?? Michel is a whiz at random trivia. We played trivia games on our cruise, and the two of us won it twice (mostly because of him)! I would love to try and win for some free Chick-Fil-A!

  7. That is the sweetest little face in that picture of Pearson drinking from your drink!
