Wednesday, July 18, 2012

playin' at the mall

It seems like this week has been creeping by.  We've done a whole lot of nothing this week, so maybe that's why it's been so slow.  It's nice to just stay at home and relax, but I start to get stir crazy when we stay at home all the time.  Today I had to take my MacBook to the Apple store to figure out what was wrong with my iPhoto.  Thankfully it was a quick fix and nothing was lost.  After our stop at the Apple Store we ate lunch in the food court then went to play in the Play Area for the first time.  

It was so big and spacious.  Pearson didn't know where to go at first.  
 I could not get him to look at the camera for the life of me.  He was on the go the whole time!!
 He loved to climb up on top of everything. 
 He didn't quite figure out how to slide down though. 
 He just opted for crawling down. 
 I totally forgot to take his shoes off until we were almost done playing.  I'm sure there were some parents giving me the evil eye! Ha! Oh well.
 I just loved watching him explore and play.  
We will definitely be going back to the Willowbend Play Area because Pearson crashed as soon as we got home and took a two hour nap!!


  1. I love the willowbend play area!! It's my favorite mall play place!

  2. I have never been to that one.. It looks fun.. We love the one at the Galleria!! Oh, and don't worry about the shoes, I hardly EVER take off the kiddos shoes bc those things are FILTHY! Let the mom's give me the evil eye, my kiddos aren't going to leave with black feet. :)

  3. My week seems to be creeping by as well! Glad you and Pearson had fun today...I also love the Willowbend play area (every Christmas we take our students to see the Signing Santa there, we get free lunch at Chick-Fil-A, let the kids play in the play area, and most all of them have always fallen asleep on the bus ride back)!

  4. I've heard good things about that play place. He looks like he had so much fun. And any activity that has a good nap after is wonderful!

  5. Looks like Pearson was having fun. So much fun to see him exploring. I just love this age! Thanks for posting so Grammy can see her precious little boy in action.

  6. We love going to play at the mall!! It's perfect place for Carter and Cade still loves it even though he's a bit older. Perfect place for really hot days and rainy/cold days.

    p.s. Pearson is so cute and I can't believe how big he looks!!
