Sunday, July 29, 2012

iPhone Rewind {july}

Pearson playing with a cane he found at Nonnie's house.
 Family walk!!
 Pearson loves brushing his teeth.  Actually I think he likes sucking the toothpaste off of his toothbrush!!
 Pearson made some sweet little friends at the pool.  He was so sweet sharing all of his toys. 
 Stuffing his face with mandarin oranges. 
 "Hey, what are you looking at?"
 Pearson loves taking pictures of himself in the morning with my phone!
 Me and my little buddy!
 One of Pearson's favorite things to do is pull all of his shorts out of his drawer, but recently he's starting putting them all back in the drawer!!
 I got the bumbo out for a playdate last week and now Pearson is obsessed with it.  It's so funny though because he gets stuck in it and can't get out!
 Playing outside on the patio in the morning before it got to hot. 

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little man and what fun activities you have for enjoyed with him this summer. I can't believe how big he is and really do enjoy all of your family's fun updates:)
