Saturday, July 28, 2012

saturday in sherman

We spent the day in Sherman with Matt's parents today.  We had such a great day, relaxing, eating, swimming and playing.    Enjoy all of our pictures from the day!!

Pearson loved playing with this car.  He rolled it all over the house with Grandaddy.
 Pearson & Grandaddy
 Grammy made quesadillas and black beans for lunch.  Yum! Yum!!

 Pearson & Grammy
Pearson was obsessed with pushing this step ladder around the house. 
 While Pearson took a nap I got to layout in the pool.  
 Matt and I also played a little horse!
 After naptime we all got back in the pool.  
We love Grammy & Grandaddy's pool.
 Pearson's favorite toy in the pool was the basketball. 
 Pearson kept splashing water in his eyes, so we tried out the goggles, but they didn't last for long. 
 When Pearson wasn't playing with all of Grammy's fun toys, he was getting into these cabinets.  
 He didn't really care what was in them.  He was just all about opening and closing them. 
 Matt's best friend from high school happened to be in town so he came over to visit for a little while.  Pearson was so sweet and shared his snack will William!
Such a fun Saturday in Sherman!!


  1. We had so much fun with you guys Saturday. Pearson is at such a fun age. Love watching him explore.

  2. What a sweet family! Looks like y'all had a great day!
