Wednesday, August 22, 2012

children's museum

Yesterday was rainy and a perfect day to spend indoors.  Ashley and I decided to try out the Children's Museum with the kiddos.  By the time, I got around to taking a picture with Pearson he was ready to go!! I promise we did have a good time though!!
All the activities were definitely geared for Carson's age and up.  
Pearson was free so I was okay with that.  It was so cute to watch his little brain spin!!
The babies loved the area where they "dug for fossils".
Surprisingly enough, neither one of them ever put any rocks in their mouths.   
 Carson enjoyed giving us a weather report. 
And he looked pretty darn cute in his little firefighter suit. 
 The water room was a big hit with the little ones.  
 How cute are they??
 Pearson was obsessed with these magnets.  He would act so surprised when we would put the magnet on the wall and it would stick.  I'm definitely going to have to bust out all my letter and number magnets from my Kindergarten collection soon.  
 We spent the last little bit of our morning at the Museum in a little area especially for babies.  It was a padded area where they could crawl and climb. They loved it.  
 After the trip to the museum we stopped for a yummy lunch at Jason's Deli and then Pearson took an unbelievable 3 hr nap when we got home!!


  1. I love your outfit, very cute! Did you make your necklace?

    Looks like a fun day for the kids! We love Jason's Deli!

  2. That picture of Pearson and Olivia standing next to each other playing with the water toys is just precious!
