Wednesday, August 22, 2012


This morning we met up with Denise and Holland again to try out another gym.  
Today we went to Gymboree and the kiddos loved it!
Pearson did so good climbing through all of the obstacles.  
His favorite thing at this gym was the thing he could roll across the room, just like the other gym. 
 At one point in the class the teacher had all the kids line up and try to push a giant log across the room. Pearson was the only one that was really interested in it.  He ended up pushing it all by himself.  The teacher said he was born for this!! Ha!!
They had lots of balls at this gym, which definitely made Pearson a happy camper.  Holland and Pearson enjoyed throwing the balls into a bucket on the ground. 
 My favorite part of the class was the parachute activities.  We played under it for a while and Pearson loved walking in our little tent.  
Then, the babies sat on the parachute and pull them around in a circle.  
I love being able to do fun activities like this during the day with Pearson.  And I especially love how these activities wear him out so he takes great naps afterwards!!


  1. I found a gym last night that does a free trial we need to take them to. Its in Frisco called my gym.

  2. So fun!! I bet Adelyn would love something like that. Is it expensive?

  3. I just love to see Pearson in all his fun activities! I am just head over heels crazy about this little guy!
