Saturday, August 04, 2012

olivia's lemonade party

Today we celebrated Olivia's birthday with a cute little lemonade party. 
 Somehow I managed to not get a single picture of me Matt or Pearson, but I did get some cute ones of the little lady of the hour!! Pearson spent most of his time playing in Carson's room with all of his toys.  I didn't even see him all that much. 
"Hmmmm I wonder what's in all the presents?"
After she got her first baby doll she was done opening gift.  She was in love with her little doll.
I wish I would have gotten a picture of it, but while Olivia was opening her gifts, Pearson was busy pushing her little baby doll stroller all around the house.  He could have cared less that it was a girl toy because it had wheels.....his favorite!!
I made Olivia's cute little birthday hat for her.  I love how it matched everything else at her party!!
 Happy Birthday Miss Olivia!!
We had fun celebrating with you!!


  1. I would love to make a hat like that for Savannah's party. What materials did you use?

  2. I have the same question, did you use a tutorial for the hat or anything? It's adorable!
