Sunday, August 05, 2012

party hard

We partied hard on Saturday.  
We went to Olivia's first birthday party, then went over to our friends house for an ABF pool party!!
 Pearson and Beckett had fun floating around in the pool with Bryan and Matt while all the ladies chatted poolside!
 {Carissa, Landry, Julie, Knox, Denise & Michelle}
 {Me, Jennie, Jenny, & Courtney}
 I had my foot out of the pool in the above picture because I stumped my toe on the deck and busted it up pretty good.  I was going to just stay out of the pool but I end up getting in to swim with my boys.  
I just couldn't resist this little cutie!!
 After we got out of the pool and I got Pearson out of his clothes he couldn't stand that everybody else was still outside.  This kid loves being outside.  Every time someone would go outside he would run to the door and cry......until Jenny started playing with him!! So sweet!!
Thanks to the Hares for hosting such a fun pool party!!

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