Saturday, November 10, 2012

10 on 10 {november}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

I love it when Pearson "sleeps in" on Saturdays.  He normally wakes up at 7:30ish, so anything after that is always a treat!!  Lately he's been reading his books in his bed before he let's us know he's awake. 
I made Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels with icing this morning for breakfast! So yummy!!
Pearson and Daddy had some puzzle time this morning. He was so cute because every time he would put a piece in he would look at Matt and start to clap. 
 I was a part of a research study this morning.  I taste tested this granola bar and got paid $25. Can't beat that!!
After we ate a quick lunch at home, we put Pearson down for a nap.  Matt watched football on the couch which means Pinterest, Blogging, Twitter, & Facebook for me!!
After 2 hours and 45 minutes had passed I decided to go check on Pearson. It always makes me laugh when I see how he is positioned.

 For dinner we went over to my parents house.  My Dad is going to fry a turkey for Thanksgiving this year, so he decided to do a trial run tonight for some of their friends.  
 We are celebrating with Matt's side of the family so we got to enjoy the trial run since we won't be in town for the real deal.
 Dad did a really good job, because it was super moist and tasty.  
 Dinner was supposed to be at 6:30 but we ended up eating around 7:45 because it just took longer than he though.  Can you tell everyone was hungry?? 
We've got an early morning at church tomorrow so we will probably be hittin' the hay really soon! 


  1. Pretzels look awesome! How do you find out about the studies? I would love to do that!

  2. Uhhhh I keep wanting to do this, and I forget the day of every month. Oh well, I will try again in December. Sounds like a relaxing Saturday.

  3. Yum!! My dad always does a fried good! Looks like y'all had a great day

  4. So cute that Pearson was clapping after putting in each puzzle piece. I have never had a fried turkey. Looks good. Glad to see your dad was carefully supervising the cooking and had his sand under the cooker and all. A neighbor down the street from us caught his garage on fire one Thanksgiving while frying a turkey!

  5. the pretzels looks yummy!!

    and a 2hr 45 min nap? adelyn won't do that! stinker!

    looks like an overall great day! :)
