Friday, November 09, 2012

countdown to christmas

Last night my friend Julie and I went to a women's event at our church call Countdown to Christmas.
{Wow, I look like a GIANT next to you, Julie!!}
We ate a delicious dinner catered by Cafe Max, shopped around at different "Canton-like" vendors, enjoyed worshipping/listening to a concert by Jeff Johnson & Jordan Burks-Johnson, then we shopped some more.  I got a scarf for myself and a little beanie for Pearson.  I also won one of the door prizes and got 10 super cute handmade cards!!  It was a nice night to getaway and have some girl time.  Julie and I are definitely going to talk some more of our girlfriends into going with us next year.  

And the best part of being away was getting this text message from my sweet husband. 
He is SUCH a good Daddy!!

And just incase you were wondering......the countdown to Christmas is officially 45 days.  

I better get going on my shopping, I don't have much done.  


  1. do look like a giant next to me! That was such a fun night!

  2. Sounds like a fun might. Mom's need a girls night every once in a while. I love the text reply from Matt. So blessed that my son is just the godly man, husband and father that I prayed all those years that he would be some day. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall seeing him read the Bible to his precious little son all snuggled up in that chair. Ahhh!

  3. Aw it looks like ya'll had a blast! I love the picture of you two. Plus it really feels like Christmas already! Too cute! Plus I do love the boy time Pearson and Matt had together as well.
