Friday, February 01, 2013

desktop {february 2013}

I'm going to go ahead an apologize for all the posts coming today! I have 3 post planned for today.  And if you follow through google reader you might see a few back dated post of some things that I forgot to post about!!  Normally I don't post multiple on a day but a few of these have to be posted today and the rest I just need to get up!!

I'm so sad because I used to get my free desktop calendars from Shabby Princess, but they aren't doing them anymore.  I found this one on SuzyQScraps, but I'm not totally in love with it.  
Do you know of any place where I can get free digital scrapbooked desktop calendars.  I absolutely love switching up my desktop each month!!  It give my MacBook a fresh new look each month!!


  1. I'm so bummed about this too! I always got my desktops from there as well. I'm hoping someone comments and shares a new great place to find them each month.

  2. I found a cute February desktop you might be interested in:
