Friday, February 01, 2013

sweet cinnamon

I'm playing matchmaker today and writing up a post for my sweet friend Cinnamon. 

I've been following Kelly's Korner for quite a while now and every so often she does a "Show us Your Singles" post where people blog about their single friends.  It sounds kind of crazy but five couples have gotten married from it and three more are engaged!!  

So without further adu, let me introduce you to Cinnamon. 
Cinnamon and I are friends from college.  We lived in the same dorm my freshman year and we were in the same Christiansorority all through college.  After college we lived near each other and went to church together every Sunday.  She is such a sweet friend to me and was even a bridesmaid in my wedding. 
Cinnamon is a 5th grade Science and Social Studies teacher and is working on getting her Master's to become a school counselor.  She is very involved in her church, loves to travel with her girlfriends  and loves the Lord with all of her heart. She is also really close to her family.  

These are just few of her favorite things: laughing with her brothers. chick-fil-a. jay leno. ballet flats. west texas. rainy days. watching movies. Super Target. cokes from sonic. interstate 20. ipod on shuffle. soft pretzels from the concession counter at Sam's. malls at Christmas time. teaching. her Aggie ring.
Cinnamon is a much better Texas Aggie than I am.  She keeps up with all sports, still wears her Aggie ring and sports her maroon and white quite often.  She love our good ole Ags!!  And she loves the Texas Rangers.  I mean really loves them!!  
Oh and she's a twin.  This is a picture of her with her twin brother Colby.  Sorry ladies.  He'a married. 

Cinnamon is so sweet with my little guy, so I know someday she will be a wonderful Mommy to her own children.  And of course I think she would be the perfect catch for some special guy out there.  
If you or someone you know might be interested in connecting with Cinnamon, please leave a comment or e-mail me at katymlink {at} gmail {dot} com.  I would love to connect you with this fabulous girl!!


  1. Umm small world, but I grew up in the same town as April & Lara Massey. We were good friends and went to church together. I'm guessing y'all know them from college? Anyways, sorry it's off topic, but I just recognized them from the Rangers pic :)

  2. I think this was so sweet of you! I hope she has a date soon! :)

  3. I went to chuch with Matt growing up and what a small world it is! My mom taught with Cinnamon's mom, Mary, in Abilene!

  4. I miss Cinnamon (and you too)! Her brother and my brother were roommates for a while. What a fun blast down memory lane.
