Saturday, March 30, 2013

neighborhood easter celebration

This afternoon we went to our neighborhood Easter Celebration.
The Easter Bunny was there and Pearson couldn't have cared less.  He first walked right past him, then we tried to make him take a picture he ran away.  
 The main reason we went to the Easter Celebration was because there was a Petting Zoo.  I knew he would love it!!
He loves looking at all of his farm animal books and telling me the sounds they make so it was fun for him to see all the animals in real life.
We couldn't look at the chicks for long because he was a little too rough with them.  He pick up one by his neck and almost strangled it!!  Oops!!
Before the Egg Hunt we played a little at the park.  This park is bigger than the park by our house so he had a ball playing on the rock wall and the slides. 
 There wasn't a line to see the Easter Bunny, so we decided to give him a try again.  He wasn't in a smiling mood, but we did get a cute little family picture out of it!!
Since my parents live in the same neighborhood they stopped by to see Pearson.

 Pearson's age group (3&under) had their Easter Egg Hunt at 11am.  He was so ready to go, but he had no idea what to do when he got out there. 
 Parents weren't allowed in so he was on his own.  He just wandered around.  He picked up a few eggs and pinwheels but then he put them back on the ground.  I guess we can just say he was thinking of others. Ha!!
 "Wait, you mean I was supposed to pick up those eggs out there?"
 When we left, Matt sarcastically said, "Well, nothing says Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins than parents yelling at their kids to pick up eggs and then getting angry when other kids taken them. "  I jokingly told Matt that Pearson must already get the true meaning of Easter because he left the Easter Hunt with an empty basket.........just like the tomb was empty because Jesus is Risen!!  
 Even though we left empty handed we had a great time!!
I'm pretty sure there were other kids that left empty handed and their parents were angry about it.  It made me sad to think that this Egg Hunt is what Easter is all about to them, so leaving empty handed is a huge disappointment.  I'm thankful that we know the true meaning of Easter and that we didn't really leave empty handed.  We have been given eternal life in Heaven with the Father because Jesus died on the cross to save our sins.  

That is what Easter is all about. 


  1. So thankful that my little grandson has parents that care more about his spiritual upbringing and the reason we celebrate Easter than how many eggs he got in his basket. Hopefully he will never be driven by materialism but always by his love for Christ and what He did on the cross for him!

  2. I love they wouldn't let parents in. The wort part of the little kids egg hunts are when the parents take all the eggs and there are not any left for the kids who are trying to do it alone!
