Saturday, March 30, 2013

easter fun with my family

We are going to be spending the day with Matt's family tomorrow so we got together with my family today. 
My Dad prepared a delicious Shrimp Boil with Shrimp, Sausage, Potatoes, Corn, Carrots, & Onions.

My Dad prepared a delicious Shrimp Boil with Shrimp, Sausage, Potatoes, Corn, Carrots, & Onions.

 Mmmmm.....sooooo good!!
 After lunch we headed outside for an Easter Egg Hunt.  Carson is almost 5 so he actually gets it.  Mom color coded the eggs, so Carson picked up all the green eggs, Pearson got all the blue eggs, and Olivia got all the pink eggs.  

Once again, Pearson didn't really get how to hunt the eggs.  He opened them all dropped the candy and left. 
He really just preferred to run around the backyard and hang out with Daddy.
Olivia, on the other hand, was all about the candy.  She would find her eggs and immediately eat the candy.....wrapper and all!!  
 We let Pearson try a tootsie roll while we were outside.  He took one little bite and then threw it on the ground.  I guess he's not that into candy. 
Oh well, that means lots of Easter Candy for Mommy & Daddy!!
 Since it felt so nice outside today, Mom brought their little Easter gifts outside to open. 
 Pearson got some water shoes.  As soon as he saw them he held them up and said "Shoe-On".  We always say, "Let's put your shoes on.", so he has started calling shoes "Shoe-On"!!
 We had a wonderful afternoon hanging out with my family.  Sadly I didn't get any pictures with my parents but I did snap one of Drew (or Chew as Pearson says) and his girlfriend and Ryan and his family.  
After our egg hunt this little guy made up for not eating any candy by downing some "tate" (cake) that I made.  
Looking forward to celebrating Easter with our church family tomorrow morning and with Matt's family tomorrow afternoon!!


  1. I don't blame him for ditching the tootsie roll. The kid is clearly just being wisely selective about his candy. ;)

  2. Hopefully he will never develop a taste for candy. Fat chance huh?

  3. looks like such a fun day!
    I love the photos--it looks so warm there.

  4. I love his Easter Shirt!!
