Sunday, March 31, 2013

he is ALIVE

This morning we headed to our church for Easter Services then drove up to see Matt's family.  I was hoping Pearson would sleep the entire way and get a 45 minute nap but that was definitely wishful thinking.  He ended falling asleep for the last 15 minutes of our drive. It's so sweet to see him slow down and fall asleep because he is always full of energy and on the move!!
Thankful he was a pretty good little boy for the entire afternoon with only taking a 15 minutes car nap. 
Pearson loves spending time with all of his cousins and Grammy & Grandaddy so that's probably why he did so well without a nap.
 He especially loves his cousin Ellie.  She is so sweet with him and gives him lots of special attention.
 We tried really hard to get a pictures with all of the cousins, but this is the best we could get!! I'm hoping my SIL or FIL got a better one!!
 Pearson and Ethan are at such fun ages.  They are really starting to play with each other.  I love it!!
And just like last time we were all together at Christmas, this baby stroller was a big hit with the two of them.  They strolled around the house with this things for a long time.  
After a yummy lunch made by Grammy, we went out side for an Easter Egg Hunt.  It stormed and poured down rain this morning, but it ended up being a beautiful day.  We let the kids out in waves since their ages range from 1.5 to 12.  Pearson and Ethan were the first to get out the door.
This was Pearson's 4th Easter Egg Hunt, so you would think he would know what to do by now.  Nope!! Still opens up, drops the candy, drops the egg, and then moves on!!
Maybe next year he'll get it a little more and understand the fun of finding eggs filled with candy!!
Hope you all had a blessed Easter spending time with your family and reflecting on all that the Lord has done for us!
But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.  Acts 2:24



  1. Love the pictures. Will you send them to me please! We so enjoyed Sunday. I just love being with my precious grandchildren! You guys too!!!

  2. I love his sweater vest!!!
