Friday, April 26, 2013

advocare cleanse {day 3}

Since we've been on the Cleanse we have really been trying to drink WAY more water.  

Our goal is to drink half of our weight in ounces.  It seems like a lot but it hasn't been all that hard since that's all we are drinking.  I really thought we would both miss cokes alot more but honestly I've been totally fine without my Sonic Diet Coke w/ Vanilla daily fix!!  I'm hoping I can kick my bad Diet Coke habit to just a few a cokes a week after the Cleanse. 

Tonight's entry is going to be short and sweet because I am pooped.  We just got back a little bit ago from buying a new {to us} car and we have a busy Saturday planned for tomorrow.

Breakfast: Spark, Fiber Drink & half of a Banana

Mid-Morning Snack: 2 Clementines

Lunch: Leftover Crock pot salsa Chicken, Rice & Beans and Blackberries 
 Mid-Afternoon Snack:  Almonds

Dinner: Oven Baked Fajitas on Whole Wheat Tortillas
Evening Snack: Apple

After we ate dinner I met up with some of my girlfriends at a Mexican food restaurant.  I just have to add that I am so proud of myself for just ordering a water.  Since I had already had my fajita fix, I wasn't tempted at all to order anything or even munch on tortilla chips.  And I guess it also helped that I don't care for this particular restaurants salsa either.  It is a little too spicy for me so I wasn't tempted at all.  

3 days down......7 more to go

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