Sunday, April 28, 2013

advocare cleanse {day 4 & 5}

Whew, I'm so glad this weekend is over with.  
We had a fun weekend, but it was just hard sticking to our cleanse.  
We did have a couple cheats but nothing that should mess up our results.  

Our Saturday morning family breakfast tradition continued even while on the cleanse.
{Scrambled Eggs, Bacon and Whole Wheat Toast}
After breakfast I headed to La Madeline for a Baby Shower Brunch.  I resisted all these tasty looking treats and just had a little cup of fruit for my mid-morning snack. 
For lunch I made a homemade pizza.  
{Whole Wheat Crust, No Sugar Added Pizza Sauce, Vegan Mozzarella Shreds (since we can't have dairy), Sausage, Olives, Spinach and Red Peppers}

The pizza was edible but I have to admit, the "cheese" wasn't very good.  It kind of had a funny taste and it stuck to your teeth like peanut butter.  I will definitely NOT be using it again.  I'll glad take the extra calories of cheese when this cleanse is over.  There is no substitute for cheese!!  We also had a side salad with Olive Oil & Vinegar Oil.  We would have both definitely preferred Ranch, but this dressing was actually pretty tasty. 
 Saturday afternoon, I "cheated" and ate one kernel of corn at a Crawfish Boil.  Matt ate about 10 crawfish, but we aren't sure if that was considered "cheating" or not.  He just made sure he didn't stuff himself.  I snacked on fruit and hummus and carrots to keep myself from eating some of the other tempting foods.  When we got home I whipped up a meal replacement shake.
{MRS with Strawberries and Pineapples}
After dinner we dropped our little man off  at Lolly & Pops so we could go to the movies.  Talk about temptations........we both would have given and arm and a leg for a bag of popcorn!!!!

This morning before church we had a bowl of oatmeal sweetened with a little Stevia.  
Mid-morning snack was an apple.

Our church had a big service project today where we put on a little carnival for an apartment complex.  I had planed on us eating leftovers when we got home but we were so hungry while we were out there that we just cheated and ate what was provided......Tamales.  I know, I know.......not good for you at all, but it's all there was.  We didn't get home until 1:30 so we would have been starving if we hadn't eaten.  Atleast we ate a small portion!!
We both munched on some almonds for an afternoon snack and then we grilled out for dinner!!
{Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Baked Sweet Potato, & Roasted Green Beans}
I'm not going to lie, Matt and I usually have a little something sweet to eat every night.  It's a terrible habit that we have, but we both have a sweet tooth.  The last two nights we have had a pear but tonight we made a yummy little dessert that hit the spot.   

{Grilled Bananas with Almond Butter}
We will definitely be making this post-cleanse.  It was soooooooo delicious. 

I'm off to get our meals prepped for tomorrow. 

5 days down......5 days to go.


  1. You are doing so good on your cleanse! That is tough to go to showers and church events and not be able to eat what everyone else is eating!

  2. question... what brand/where did you find the vegan motz shreds? my little guy is allergic to dairy which is no fun for a toddler. the only cheese I can find is lactose free, but it still has the dairy proteins that eli is allergic to.

  3. The best vegan cheese I've found is Daiya and it's at Whole Foods or Kroger...super yummy compared to others.
