Sunday, April 28, 2013

diaper love

Yesterday I hosted a shower for my friend Christie and Baby Everley  
Christie is our first Mama in our ABF to have a second baby, so our ABF decided to start a diaper shower tradition for baby #2.  To make Baby #2 showers even more low key, we also decided to have the showers at a restaurant where decorations aren't needed and each person pays for their own meal.  This was definitely the easiest shower I have ever hosted!  I love hosting fun showers, but it sure was nice to bless this Mama without all the extra fluff!!  
All I have to say is that after seeing all the diapers Christie was blessed with, I'm really excited about this tradition!!
I love all these girls, and it was such a fun morning just chatting, eating and showering Christie and Baby Everley.
Of course Christie mainly got diapers at the shower, but a few girls got creative with their diapers and made opening the packages fun!
Carissa made her diapers into a diaper cake.  
 And Courtney put all of her diapers in a cute basket with a little girly outfit included.  Christie already has a little boy so she is getting to experience all the fun clothes that having a little girl brings. 
 Before we left, I had all the girls "sign" a diaper for Christie to have.  Hopefully these little notes will bring a smile to her face when she has to get up in the middle of the night to change them!!
With all this diaper love, Little Miss Everley should  have no shortage of diapers for the first few months!!!  


  1. I had 2 diaper showers given for my 2nd. It is definitely a great tradition to start for 2nd time moms.

  2. I love the idea of diaper showers! So helpful! I

  3. I love the idea of diaper showers! So helpful! I

  4. what a smart idea for a shower!
    looks like it was a lot of fun :)


  5. Love all the pictures!! I had a great time at the was a lot of fun just talking and chatting with friends!

  6. It was so wonderful and SUCH a blessing!! Thank you so much, Katy!!!
