Monday, May 20, 2013

bon voyage

{Friday, May 10th- Galveston}

We arrived in Galveston for our Disney Cruise around 12:30.  It was pouring down rain and super windy when we got there so getting in the terminal was no fun at all.  However, once we got into the terminal we moved through the lines so fast.  We were on the boat in about 30 minutes.  Definitely the fast embarkation process I have ever experienced!!  
You can see most of our afternoon on the ship on my 10 on 10 post.

On all three of our cruises that we have gone on together, we have booked inside rooms without windows.  We lucked out and got upgraded to a window room on our first cruise and a balcony room on our second cruise, but this time we didn't get that lucky.  We were totally fine with our inside room.   We didn't spend that much time in it anyways.  Our room was actually pretty spacious for an inside room. 
Every night we attended the show before dinner.  I've always gone to these shows on every cruise I've been on, but some of them are really cheesy.  I love Broadway shows but the ones on the other cruises were never all that entertaining to me.  Disney definitely did this part of the cruise right because ever show was sooooooo good.  I snuck this picture of all the characters at the beginning of the show, but after this they asked that we didn't take anymore pictures.  Tonight's show was a mixture of the dancers, singers and characters putting on a little show and also a short act from two of the comedians on the ship.  
 Each night the show was over at 7:15 but our dinner wasn't until 8:15.  We always had to find something to do to kill time.  On this night we checked out the Sports Bar called Diversions for a little appetizer and drinks.  Each night they had a buffet that had BBQ wings and nachos.  It was definitely our favorite place to go each night.  Amazingly enough, I only gained a pound on the cruise, even with eating wings every night before dinner.  
 We also stopped in the gift shop and bought Pearson a little Mickey Mouse stuffed animal!  
 I love the way the Disney Cruise did dinner.  They do what is called rotational dining.  They have three dining rooms and they rotated us through them all week.  We ate in a different dining room each night, but they people we sat with and our servers travels with us.  Our servers names were Emily & Arya.  They were both great!  We were seated at an 8 person table but there was just 4 of us.  Apparently the other two couples decided to switch to the early seating.  They other couple that we ate with was about our age and they were also celebrating their 5 year anniversary.  We had a really great time getting to know them.  
After dinner there wasn't much going on around the ship so we called just headed back to our room.  We were pooped from our almost 6 hour drive (because of the rain) to Galveston.  
We think our first towel animal was a dog, but we weren't completely sure!!

1 comment:

  1. So I'm going to catch up and read all about your trip! And I already can tell its going to make me want to go on another cruise! Can't wait to read more!
