Tuesday, May 21, 2013

last day of mother's day out

Today is Pearson's last day of Mother's Day Out.
I can't believe how fast this school year has gone.
Pearson has had a wonderful year at school. He walks right in and doesn't look back.  He loves his teachers and he loves all his friends in his class.  Last week, his teachers sent home a picture with all of his classmates in it and he was naming off each of them to me.  It was so precious to hear him tell me about his friends.  
 We have truly been blessed with Mrs. Gail and Mrs. Tracy.  They have been so patient, loving and kind with Pearson even he was a little stinker!!
 I truly feel like when Pearson started school I was dropping of my baby and now I feel like I am dropping off a toddler.  He has grown so much this year.  

We enjoyed having Pearson in Mother's Day Out so much that we are going to do a summer program at another church that starts next Tuesday!! 

Yay for MDO!!!

1 comment:

  1. He really has grown since September. I have signed Up L for MDO/preschool for the next school year. I can't wait for that to start. He had fun when we toured the classrooms so I'm sure hell really enjoy it
