Tuesday, May 21, 2013

mother's day at sea

{Sunday, May 12th- At Sea}

It was a little sad not being with my baby on Mother's Day, but it wasn't my first Mother's Day so I was okay with it.  I got to do what most Mom's didn't do on Mother's Day.......relax and have the whole day off!!  Matt was so sweet and set out two Mother's Day cards while I was in the shower.  He's so thoughtful!!  We just bought a new {to us} car at the end of April so that was my official Mother's Day present.
 This morning was a Character Breakfast.  The same people we had dinner with were supposed to be there, but they overslept because we had a time change.  I have never had a time change on a cruise but we had to since we were going to Disney World.  We had to get on Florida's time.  While we ate breakfast all the Disney characters came to take a picture with us.  I was a little sad that Daisy and Donald weren't there.  Not sure why they didn't come. 
I had my normal breakfast of Fried Eggs, Bacon & Hashbrowns.  I thought it was only fitting to add a Mickey pancake at our character breakfast!!
 While we were eating breakfast our server made us these silly hats.
I told Matt that the only thing I really wanted to do on Mother's Day was lay-out, especially since we didn't get to the day before.  We laid out a little after breakfast and then a little after lunch.  The weather was perfect!!
 Before our show we ran into Daisy (or as Pearson says...A-See).  Our show was a really funny comedian named Ron Pearson.  One of the things I really loved about the Disney Cruise is that the entertainment was very clean.  The main shows were very family friendly and then the adult shows in the evening were what they called "Disney Dirty".  There was absolutely no vulgar language and no inappropriate or nasty humor.  It was just good clean adult comedy in the late night shows!
We had dinner in Animator's Palate.  It was really neat.  Everything was black and white for the beginning of dinner, but at the end they had the walls all lit up with color! It was really neat!!
 Our table friends, Carlo & Amanda.  Carlo is from the Philippines and so was our server, so the previous night they got to talking about what the ship crew eats.  She told him that they made all different ethnicities of food for the staff but she usually ate Philipino food.  She told us that she would bring us some the next evening.  Sure enough, she did.  I can't remember what it was called, but it was essentially egg rolls and shrimp lo mein.  It was really good.  It was fun to learn all about the Philipino culture through Carlo.  We learned so much from him. 
 After dinner we went to another adult comedy show and then called it a night.  
A scary bat greeted us in our room!!
Other than not being able to be with Pearson and my own Mom, we had a wonderful Mother's Day at sea!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice Mother's Day...laying out on a cruise ship, can't ask for much better!
