Tuesday, July 23, 2013

busy busy weekend

We had a busy, busy weekend.  I feel like I'm just now catching up to sit down and blog.  
Have I mentioned how tired I am?  I totally remember being tired with Pearson, but not this tired.  If I don't get a 2-3 hour nap every day, I'm asleep on the couch at 7:30.  It's pitiful.  But at least I know that all these naps are helping me grow a big strong baby.  We went to the doctor today and got to see our little baby for the first time.  I'll share pictures tomorrow.  

For now, let's talk about our busy, busy, weekend. 
We started our weekend with Carson and Olivia's 5th and 2nd birthday party.  I didn't take a single picture.  I stole this picture from Ashley.  Her table turned out so cute and the food was delicious!!
Since Pearson just had his birthday, he knew just what to do with all the presents.  He had a hard time understanding that the presents weren't for him.  Thankfully, Olivia didn't mind the help and let him help her unwrap her presents.  

Saturday evening we met up with Matt's parents to drop him off for a sleepover while we went to the Ranger's Game with our ABF 
Our seats were way high up, but it didn't matter because it was just  nice to get away for the evening with our friends.  It would have been even better if the Rangers would have won.  The last three games we have been to, they have lost.  We must be bad luck.  
While we were at the Rangers game Pearson was having a blast with Grammy and Grandaddy.  Or "Go-Daddy" as Pearson has been calling him lately.  
They made a little sandbox for him to play with.  Look at that little mischievous smile. 
 Grammy also made this fun little water tower with coke bottles.  She said he thought it was the neatest thing ever!!
 We got a text from Grammy in the morning saying that he slept great!  Pearson and Grandaddy started their morning watching "golf-ball" (The British Open) and eating "tup-takes" (banana muffins).  He got to go to church with Grammy & Grandaddy which was a real treat for him!! 
 After church Matt and I headed up to Sherman to spend the rest of the day with them.  We had a yummy lunch, swam, took a little nap, played with all of Grammy & Grandaddy's cool toys, ate dinner and then headed home.  

I was too tired to take any pictures all day, so we don't have any pictures of our time together.  But I can guarantee we had a good time, because our car ride home looked like this.......
Thanks Grammy & "Go-Daddy" for keeping Pearson so we could have a night away!!


  1. Love his mischievous smile!!

  2. cute party for the girls!
    I love the little sandbox! may have to copy that idea.
    how did she made the water tower?
    check my blog for some news I've been wanting to tell you ;)


  3. We had so much fun with Pearson! Can't wait to do it again!!!
