Wednesday, July 24, 2013

our little gummy bear

We had our first real appointment with the OB and our first sonogram yesterday!!
The best part was that we got to see our little gummy bear!!
We got a wonderful report that the baby is growing right on track.  The baby's heart rate was 188 which is very normal for 9 weeks.  Their little bodies are working overtime plus their heart rate usually peaks around 9 weeks.  It was such a blessing to hear a perfect little heartbeat and a perfect developing little baby.  My biggest prayer is that our baby continues to grow big and strong.  
This sonogram picture looks almost identical to Pearson's 1st sonogram picture.  With his sonogram we went in thinking we were 8 weeks 4 days, but he was measuring 9 weeks 3 days.  With this baby I am technically 9 weeks 2 days but I was measuring 9 weeks 3 days.  Because it was one day she didn't change my due date.  Most of the time my doctor does sonograms during the 8th week but I just couldn't fit in my schedule until the 9th week.  I'm so glad we waited though, because our picture was more than just a blob!! It seems like most first sono pictures look like a little blob or a manatee but during the 9th week they start to look like a little gummy bear.  
Since we only get two sonograms, I'm glad we got to see a cute little picture of our baby!!  

Our doctor normally does the gender sono at 20 weeks but since I'm already off on my appointments she told me to remind her at my 13 week appointment to schedule my 17 week appointment a week late  at 18 weeks and we could do the gender sono early!!  Eeek......I can't wait to find out what we are having!! 

We celebrated our good appointment with snow comes on the way home!! Snow cones just taste extra good while I'm pregnant so this really hit the spot!!


  1. Aw, it's such a cut gummy bear! When I was pregnant with Dylan we had just moved back to Texas, and so I went to my new OB at 16 weeks, and he did an ultrasound and we found out Dylan wasa boy. Needless to say, it seemed like FOREVER before we found out about Graham at 20 weeks!

    Can't wait to find out what your having as well!:)

  2. I love how, at only 9 weeks, that's a little baby in there. You can easily make out the head and the body! And I've said before that I'm predicting you're having a girl. You said the heartbeat was 188, so that can be pointing to a girl :) Congrats on another healthy baby!!!

  3. hi sweet gummy bear!! I'm happy to be experiencing this all with you for baby 2!

  4. You can definitely tell this isn't your first rodeo. You look so relaxed. You make me want to have another... HA LIKE IN 3 yrs or so. Seriously so excited for you guys. 1 was a gift, 2 is a blessing. Already at 3 mos E turns and looks at L. They r t orally connecting... I just love it!

  5. You can definitely tell this isn't your first rodeo. You look so relaxed. You make me want to have another... HA LIKE IN 3 yrs or so. Seriously so excited for you guys. 1 was a gift, 2 is a blessing. Already at 3 mos E turns and looks at L. They r t orally connecting... I just love it!
