Thursday, July 25, 2013


I'm not much of a snuggler.  It drives Matt crazy. because I'll ask Matt to snuggle for bed and then two minutes later I'll push him away because I can't go to sleep snuggling. I guess I just like my space. I'm pretty sure I passed my non-snuggle loving trait to Pearson because if we get too close to him on the couch he will scoot over or tell us "no-no". He's never been much of a snuggler. Until today.....
Today while I was fixing lunch for Pearson and the little girl I watch on Thursdays, they snuggled up on the couch next to each other to watch Boz. I told Sarah to put her arm around Pearson so I could take their picture. I was sure that he would push her away like he does us, but instead he just out his arm around her too!! 


  1. I love to snuggle! Josh does NOT, & neither does Elliot. So glad my second is a snuggler. :)

  2. What an adorable picture!! I'm not much of a snuggler either...Michel and I will snuggle for about 10-20 minutes in bed, but when we're ready to go to sleep we separate and go to our sides of the bed :) Neither of us find snuggling while sleeping comfortable!

  3. That is a pretty cute picture of those two!

  4. Such a cute photo. I remember when you were little as soon as we finished our bedtime stories and prays, you'd say, "get out of my bed". If your Dad put you to bed, he'd always fall asleep faster than you could. Then you'd get up and get me and say, "Mom, get Dad out of my bed." You liked your own space when it came to sleeping!!
