Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby No. 2 {17 weeks}

how far along? 17 weeks
how are you measuring? Right on track.  I was measuring one day ahead in my sono. 
size of baby? size of an turnip
heartbeat? 180's bpm (at our 13 week appt)
total weight gain/loss? 1 lbs
maternity clothes? I pulled out some of my maternity pants.  They feel so much better with the elastic around my waist but they are really still do big.  I'm wearing them anyway because they are so much more comfortable.  I'm still mainly wearing non-maternity shirts, but I did wear a few maternity tops this week because I just felt like wearing loose fit clothing.  I still kind of feel like if I wear I tight shirt it's hard to tell if I'm pregnant or just fat!! My little bump is really starting to grow so I shouldn't be in question for too much longer. 
stretch marks? No new ones.  But honestly I couldn't care less if more show up.  I'm not too bothered by the few Pearson left me!!
sleep?  I was very restless this week because I kept waking up thinking about how I want to tell friends and family the sex of the baby.  I got it all figured out one night in the middle of the night and now I can sleep again.  That is until we find out the sex of the baby and then I'll be up thinking about nursery themes, names, and matching outfits for my boys or new bows and dresses for my little girl!!  I'm waking up usually just once during the night to go to the bathroom. 
best moment this week?  The weather "cooled down" a little bit so I was able to go on 4 walks this week!!  It was about time that I got my booty moving again.
movement? Yes, and they are getting a little stronger where I can feel them without my hands on my belly.  I don't ever really feel them during the day, just at night when I'm laying down.  And, a few the past few days I have eaten a big handful of Peanut Butter M&M's and then I could really feel the baby move.  The baby must have a sweet tooth like their Mama!!
food cravings? Anything sweet!!
gender predictions? I'm still thinking girl, just because of the subtle differences between my pregnancies.  I wish I could know the heart rate of this baby before our next appointment because the old wives tale about the heart rate being high seems to be true with all of my friends.  Right now ours is very high, but it was a pretty early appointment and it's usually higher in the beginning.  We'll see.  We will be thrilled with a boy or a girl.....whatever the Lord chooses to bless us with is fine by me.  Nine more days until we know!!
what i miss? My skinny jeans.  I tried them on this week and they don't fit.  I'm definitely going to have to invest in a pair of maternity skinny jeans.  Any advice on a good brand.  I live in my skinny jeans in the fall/winter.
what i'm looking forward to? My birthday this Friday!!!
how are you feeling? No complaints here!!
comparisons to last pregnancy? I still wake up feeling kind of yucky.   I have to have my glass of cran-apple pretty shortly after I wake up in the morning or I start to feel sick.  I feel like at this point with Pearson this was already over. 

Here I am 17 weeks with Pearson and 17 weeks with Baby No. 2.


  1. My favorite maternity skinny jeans were from old navy.

  2. I forget what the heart rate cut off is, but both of my boys were in the 160-170 range! And don't feel too bad about big maternity pants, I wore maternity shorts yesterday to college station so I wouldn't have to unbutton my pants in the car;)

  3. You look great! I'm guessing girl based on the heart rate. :) Dillards carries a brand called "Hue" that is in their accessories area. I loved their denim stretch pants during pregnancy (and after). :)

  4. I have one pair of maternity skinny jeans from Motherhood that I loved!! I actually miss them. :) They fit and feel better than my regular ones.

    No shame in wearing maternity...I am always amazed at people who think its a contest. They are SO much more comfortable.

    Our heart rate wasn't a very telling sign but my pregnancies were different. I had the "pregnancy line" on my tummy with Chandler and not Audrey... although my doctor swears it isn't a gender thing.
