Sunday, October 27, 2013

baby no. 2 {23 weeks}

how far along? 23 weeks
how are you measuring? I forgot to ask at my last appointment
size of baby? size of a mango
heartbeat? 156 bpm (at our 21 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? 9 lbs 
maternity clothes? Yes! However I'm ready for it to really cool down so I can begin to wear some of my new fall/winter maternity clothes.
stretch marks? I feel like the few that I have are starting to stretch out a little more. Lotioning up twice a day now since my skin is really starting to stretch.
sleep? Most night I still have two trips to the bathroom.  Pearson shared his yucky germs with me and I've been feeling a little bit under the weather this weekend.  At night I get all stuffed up and have lots of drainage, so I'm not sleeping good because of that.  Also, I'm sooooooooo over having to sleep on my side.  I sleep on my back every now and then for just a little bit, but it always makes me feel sick to my stomach so I can do it for long. 
best moment this week? I finally bought some skinny jeans. In fact I bought two pairs because I know I will be living in them for the rest of my pregnancy.  I also used some of my birthday money to buy some fall/winter maternity clothes.  I'm all set as far as my maternity wardrobe goes.  
movement? Yes! This boy is active....even more so than his big brother!!
food cravings? Halloween candy.....ugh.....I can't stay out of it. 
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? 
what i'm looking forward to? Painting the nursery, putting the crib together and getting started on the bedding.
how are you feeling? Still dealing with the butt cramp, but that's about all I have to complain about this week. Well, other than the little cold I have going on right now. 
comparisons to last pregnancy? Nash feels more active than Pearson.  I haven't spend a single second reading books where I had already read a few pregnancy, parenting, or nursing books by this point with Pearson.  We are a little bit ahead in getting Nash's room together than where we were with Pearson. 

Here I am 23 weeks with Pearson and 23 weeks with Nash.

1 comment:

  1. looking so pretty! love your scarf!
    I got a cold this week, too, which does make sleeping more frustrating.
