Sunday, October 27, 2013

last sunday lunch

Every month our ABF has "Last Sunday Lunch".  We pick a restuarant and after worship whoever can go meets up for lunch.  Last October we had a Chili Potluck Last Sunday Lunch at the Hjertstedt's home.  We had so much fun last year that we decided to do the exact same thing this year.  
Last year all the babies were under a year except for Pearson but this year they are all one or two so they all had a blast playing together.  Pearson LOVED this car roller coaster.  
Anna even busted out one of Westin's Christmas presents out early so the kid's could have a bounce house to play in!!

"Woah" is what Pearson would say when he would slide down.  So much fun!!!!
Pearson wasn't really all that interested in eating because there were too many fun things he was missing out on if he sat down to eat.  Needless to say, his lunch was short and sweet.  How cute are all these little kiddos eating lunch together??
While all the kiddos played, the adults enjoyed some delicious, chili, cornbread and homemade pies.  
And of course some good girl talk too!!
At one point I think all of the guys were inside watching the football game while the girls were out playing with the kiddos.  
Pearson and our new friends, Elli, Lucas and Brynn.  I just love that we have so many friends with kids Pearson's age. It's going to be so much fun over the years watching them all grow up together.  
I'm so thankful for the friendships we have from our ABF and all the blessings that flow from them.  We are blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. So awesome that you guys have such wonderful friends to share life with. You are making some wonderful memories for your family!
