Saturday, October 26, 2013

no my birthday party

Pearson's new thing these days is say "no my______" to whatever we tell him......whether it makes sense or not. 

Pearson, let me help you. "No, my help you".  

Pearson, let me get your booger.  "No, my boogers." 

Pearson, do you want some milk. "No, my milk."  

Today when we told Pearson we were going to Parker's birthday party, can you guess what he said?

No, my birthday party!!

Pearson is loving going to birthday parties these days though, even if they aren't his!  If we mention a birthday party he immediately starts talking about cake!! That is the most important part of a party though, right? All of his little friends from our ABF are all just turning one so we have been having fun celebrating them all the last few months. Today we had Parker's birthday party.  
They had his party at the Rec Center in one of their open rooms.  When we first walked in Pearson saw Parker's two big gifts, a Cozy Truck and a Radio Flyer Trike.  I knew there was no way I was going to be able to keep him off of them so thankfully Michelle didn't mind Pearson test driving Parker's new presents.  
Once all the kids showed up to the party, the truck was the hot commodity.   We showed David and Michelle that this toy was definitely one and two year old approved.  These boys loved it!!
Matt and Pearson had some fun with the balloons, or "gwoons", as Pearson calls them!!
Parker looked so cute styling his birthday bib and birthday hat made by my Mom!! I thought the little monster design turned out so stinkin' cute!!
When it was time to sing Happy Birthday Pearson went to get a front row seat.  He was so cute holding on to David's Daddy and watching everyone sing Happy Birthday.  I stole him away when Parker starting eating the cake so they could get some family pictures without my little guy in all of them! Ha!!
After presents and the smash cake, it was time for Pearson's favorite part of the party!!  But would you believe he didn't want a thing to do with the cake.  He wouldn't even take one bite!! Crazy toddler!!
What a fun afternoon celebrating our little friend Parker!
Thanks David and Michelle for inviting us to Parker's 1st party!! 
The food was delicious and we had a great time!!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun birthday party. Parker is a little cutie. Lolly did a great job on the bib and hat as expected! Pearson is so being the typical two year old. Thank goodness that stage doesn't last forever although it seems like forever when you are going through it!
