Wednesday, October 23, 2013

where the wild things are

Tonight Pearson and I went to our church's annual Fall Festival.  Matt ended up having to work late so he wasn't able to make it this year.  We sure did miss him.  
Our theme this year was "Where the Wild Things Are".  We decorated our car like a monster and we all wore our PJ's.  
It worked out perfectly for me and Pearson because we stayed at home all day in our PJ's.  Pearson has been feeling a little under the weather lately.   (Don't worry we showered and put fresh and clean PJ's on before we headed up to church!)

I didn't want to spread any of Pearson's germs so I kept him content in his stroller with snacks.  When our snacks ran out we moved on to a little bag of M&M's.  He was one happy boy. 
 We decided not to walk around and do any of the activities this year since we were alone.  I let Pearson have a quick dinner though and then we headed home to see Daddy.  He normally gobbles pizza up but he spent almost his whole dinner time going back and forth from his chair to his candy bucket saying "Hooooooow 'bout dis candy" or "Hoooooooow 'bout dat candy".  Needless to say, he  didn't have much dinner.  
 You can't really tell from this picture but he had chocolate all over his face.  And you definitely wouldn't be able to tell by his face that he was a little under the weather. Candy makes everything better!!
I can't wait until next years Fall Festival.  I think Pearson will finally be at the age where he can really have a good time and we'll have another little man to bring with us!!

You can see our past Fall Festivals here.....


  1. I loved your Where the Wild Thing Are theme. Looks like it was fun evening although I did miss seeing Matt with you all.

  2. This was such an adorable idea! Love the trunk monster decoration. I can't wait for next year where we will be able to take Aubrey as well. Pearson is adorable as always:) Great job!
