Sunday, November 03, 2013

baby no. 2 {24 weeks}

how far along? 24 weeks
how are you measuring? I forgot to ask at my last appointment
size of baby? size of a cantaloupe
heartbeat? 156 bpm (at our 21 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? 11lbs
maternity clothes? I'm pretty much wearing all maternity clothes now. 
stretch marks? I don't think I have any new ones yet. 
sleep? I'm still just getting up to go to the bathroom 1-2 times a night.  I wake up about every hour needing to switch sides though.  I hate that I can't just move around in my sleep these days.  I have to wake up, adjust my pillows, turn around and then I can go back to sleep. 
best moment this week? We got so much done in the nursery this week.  I painted the walls (and ceiling) with my neighbor, Matt put the crib together, we put all the furniture in place including moving the glider out of Pearson's room, I painted the bookshelf and Mom got the valence, toy bag, quilt, 2 blankies, and a taggie blanket made.  We also got the valence and black out shades put up.  The room is really coming together!!
movement? Yes! However I'm pretty sure he had a sugar crash on Friday after Halloween because he barely moved all day.  I was getting really worried that I hadn't felt him move much but then that evening he was back to his normal kicking self.  His movement has seemed a little less this week which seems odd.  However, sometimes I think I'm just so busy taking care of a toddler that I don't even notice it sometimes. 
food cravings? Anything sweet.  It's terrible. I have got to slow down or I'm going to be a whale at the end of my pregnancy.  I'm already feeling my face get kind of chubby which is not good!!  
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? Sleeping on my back, having the energy and time to work out, and my colored jeans.
what i'm looking forward to? Having a work day with my Mom & Mother in Law on Thursday.  We are hoping to get just about everything done for the nursery this week except for the decorations.
how are you feeling? I'm feeling pretty great.  I am just totally worn out by the end of the day. 
comparisons to last pregnancy? I'm pretty sure I already had the dark line under my belly button with Pearson at this point.  It hasn't shown up yet so we'll see if I get it.  I would love to not get it because it took forever after he was born to finally fade away.  

Here I am 24 weeks with Pearson and 24 weeks with Nash.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you won't get the dark line this time :) I never got it when I was pregnant.
