Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 on 10 {december 2013}

Whew, I almost forgot that today was the 10th!!

This morning while before we got out of the car I tried to take Pearson's picture and he told me "Put phone up, Mommy!"
All the ice is finally starting to melt.  It was so pretty this morning driving Pearson to school.  It looked like fields of glass. 
I spent the morning prepping for Pearson "Happy Birthday Jesus" Party at school today.  I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to planning his parties.  Nothing like the morning of!!
This was the cute little snack I made for the kids.  Baby Jesus in a manger made with a muffin liner, shoestring potatoes and a pig in a blanket. 
 Mmmmm....have you had Chick-fil-A's Tortilla Soup.  It is soooooo yummy, especially on a cold day like today. 
 Party Time!!!
 I signed up to take dinner to a friend tonight but I didn't quite have my act together so they got take out!!  
 After dinner we took a family trip to Toys R Us to figure out what wanted to get Pearson for Christmas.  We took advantage of the fact there was Expectant Mom parking because of the Babies R Us!!
I finally got around to taking my 29 week photo tonight and Pearson wanted to get in on the action.  He said "Take my picture. Pearson's turn!"
I'm loving watching Pearson experience Christmas this year.  It's all so much fun to him.  He loves to look at the Christmas tree.  I'm thrilled that he loves to just look at it and hasn't taken a thing off of it yet!!
That's all folks.  Happy 10th!


  1. that little baby Jesus snack is so cute with the hay and all! I hope you found my Stable stickers. I forgot to ask.

  2. Your baby Jesus snack turned out so cute! We had a lot of that put your phone up Grammy and Granddaddy when we were trying to take pictures! He is a little hoot sometimes.

  3. Oh my goodness...your baby Jesus in a manger cracked me up!!! 5 stars for creativity! Your pumpkin bread was delightful! Must get the recipe. :)
