Wednesday, December 11, 2013

let's face it....teachers want gift cards

There are an abundance of adorable homemade teacher gift on Pinterest, lots of token things you can give your teachers for Christmas, but as a former teacher, I know what teachers really cards.  It's sounds a little selfish, but it's true!!  You can only have so much decor for your classroom, chocolates, mugs or candles.  I gave Pearson's teacher's what I know I would have loved as a teacher.  I tried to be a little creative and give them their giftcards in a cute way though.  Here's what I found on Pinterest.  

For his spanish teachers, music teachers and the director of the school, we gave them a $5 Starbucks giftcard.  I have seen this printable on Pinterest a million times but the original one from eighteen25, was green and teal and not very Christmas-y. I decided to put it into photoshop and chang all the teal to red to make it a little more festive for Christmas.  
Here is the updated version if you are still in need of a Christmas Gift for a teacher or co-worker. 
For his two classroom teachers,  I got them some foot scrub from Bath & Body Works and a gift certificate to get a pedicure.  I found this cute little printable here.  
I think all of his teachers loved their gifts and I loved how easy it was getting them all together!!


  1. I used the same printable for teacher gifts, but your Christmas color scheme is much cuter!

  2. You are so right....teachers love gift cards! :)
