Tuesday, December 31, 2013

a kid friendly new year's eve

I'm not usually much of a New Year's Eve person.  It just seems like a pointless holiday to me since I don't like staying up late!! I'm totally okay with hanging out at home with the hubby and even falling asleep before midnight, but this year we decided to host a kid-friendly party for our small group.  
We had four other couples come over for dinner and hanging out.
I made Taco Soup, fruit & fruit dip, chips & salsa, and queso and the other gals brought guacamole and desserts.  Everything was so yummy!!

{Courtney, Paxton & Jack}
{Michelle, David, & Parker}
{Carissa, Joel & Landry}
{Tim & Jenny}
The guys spent most of their time watching football........mainly those good ole Aggies.  Gig 'em!!!
 All the girls spent our time watching our sweet little ones play.  They played so well together.  
We had a talk with Pearson about sharing all of his new toys with his friends before they got here.  I was really nervous he was going to be stingy with all his new toys but he surprisingly did really well sharing.  He had one little incident where he kicked a friend but other than that they all four boys played extremely well together.  Pearson would even get toys out and hand them to a friend.
Once we got all the boys in their jammies we tried putting them all down for bed so the adults could stay up and party til midnight but it didn't quite work out.  
 Just kidding!!! This was the only way we could contain them all to get a picture of them together.
   Before everyone left he talked Tim into reading story with him.  Pearson is obsessed with Tim.  He drives a White Toyota Tacoma and everytime we see one he says, "Hey, Tim's truck."  After Tim left he probably asked 4-5 times, "Where Time go?"  
Let's be honest though, our kid-friendly New Year's Eve party didn't quite make it to midnight.  It began to fizzle around 10pm with our last friends leaving just before 11pm.  Surprisingly, Pearson stayed up until then.  Matt and I rang in the New Year together then we hit the sack shortly after.  This pregnant Mama was tired!!!

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