Tuesday, December 31, 2013

resolutions recap

Here were my resolutions/goals from last year.  Let's see how I did.......

1. Quit biting my nails (once and for all).
**I'm almost there.  Prenatal vitamins have been so good for my nails, but for some reason I reserve my middle fingers for "habitual picking".  I'm weird.  If I can just get those two nails grown out I can finally go get myself a manicure.  But 8 outta 10 nails aint to bad.....ha!!

2. Do a Busy Bag Swap with my Mommy friends.
**Check! I did this way back in January or February and actually never blogged about it.  I should probably od that. 

3. Save more, spend less.  
**I think I did better on this, but Matt would probably wouldn't agree.  I really try to ask myself when spending money if we really need this or not.  One area I didn't save much in is our grocery budget.  I have got to get back on track with that.  

4.  Drink more water and less Diet Coke.
**With being pregnant I have definitely drank more water.  I make lots of stops to Sonic for Ice Water. So much so that when Pearson sees a Sonic sign he says "Mommy's Ice Ya-Wer".  However I still drink quite a bit a Diet Coke......not one every single day

5. Go on at least one kid-free date night a month.
**Check!  Parent's Night out for $11 at our church has made this so easy!!  We look forward to the first Friday of every month!!

6.  Start "teaching" Pearson and doing age appropriate activities with him during the day.
**Pearson has made this very easy for me.  He is so teachable and loves to do anything with letters. 

7.  Comment more on blogs I read. 
**I did great at this at the beginning of the year, but when I had to switch to Bloglovin' from Google Reader in July I started slacking.  I do most of my blog reading on my iPhone or iPad and it's just not as easy to comment.  I need to get better at this because I know how much I love comments on my own blog!

8.  Participate in the Bible Reading Plan that our church is doing this year.
**I started out doing great reading our INFUSE devotionals but started to slack this summer when I found out that I was pregnant.  Being consistent in the Word has always been a struggle for me.  Life just gets so busy and I don't make it a priority.  I hope to do better this year. 

9.  Learn to shoot my camera in Manual. 
**I totally failed at this one.  However I hope to figure it out this year because I got a new camera from Matt as a belated "push present" for Pearson and an early "push present" for Nash.  Plus, my sister in law has the same camera and she's really gotten good at shooting in manual with her camera.  I'll have to take some lessons from her!!

10.  Digital scrapbook 2013.
**I decided that my blog is scrapbook enough for me!  I just don't have time right now to anything more.  I'm thankful I have been able to keep up with our lives on this little ole blog for 5 years now!!

Stay tuned for my 2014 goals!!


  1. I'm so bad at being consistent in the Word, too. It's one of my goals for 2014. I also need to drink more water and less Diet Coke. When I was pregnant, all I wanted was ice cold water and would easily drink 80-100 oz a day in the summer months. Now, I'm struggling to drink 40oz or more :) Good luck with 2014 goals...can't wait to see what they are!

  2. You did great on your resolutions this year! High five.

    New camera!? So fun! Which one did you end up going with? I want to upgrade so bad, but I'm not sure how "high" to go. Since I'm still such an amateur, I don't know how many features on the super souped-out bodies I'll actually use.
