Tuesday, December 31, 2013

checkin' on baby nash

Pearson's last day of preschool before Christmas was on December 10th and he doesn't go back to school until 9th.  When I first saw how long his break was I was a little sad because we have really gotten into a great routine with him going to school 2 days a week, but I have SO enjoy this special time with my little man.  In just seven weeks he won't be my only little man and I'll have to split my time with boys.  One of the luxuries of having Pearson is school is being about to go to appointments (whether they be doctor's appointment or hair appointments or what not) without him.  While he has been on break I have had two doctor's appointments.  The first appointment my Mom came with me so we could go shopping but this time it was just me and my boy!!

Waiting time at an OB office is always sooooooooo unpredictable.  You never know when the doc is going to have to deliver a baby or take care of an emergency!  I absolutely loved my old OB but one thing about her office was that she was really slow.  I was always at the office for about an hour.  With my new doctor, I am always in and out in 30 minutes.  I packed plenty of tricks in P's diaper bag just in case the wait was longer than 30 minutes.  

We had a snack in the waiting room.  
{craisins & yogurt raisins......a fav right now}
 While we waiting in the exam room we played with cars and a sticker book.  
And when Dr. Harn came in I busted out the iPad because I knew that would keep him out of our way!! While the iPad did keep his attention the whole time Pearson did look up when I told Dr. Harn about my belly pain and said "Mommy be-wee hurt", then he looked up again while we listened to Nash's heartrate.  He was mesmerized by the sound......atleast he wasn't scared like the first appointment he went to way back in August. 
After our doctor's appointment we picked up Matt at his office and had a family lunch date.  It's been so much fun having Matt's office closer to home and on the way home from my doctor's appointments. We tried out a new restaurant near his office called Uno Due Go.  It wasn't bad but I probably wouldn't go again.  The soup/sandwich combo I got was very similar to what I get at Panera Bread and I would much rather have my Panera Bread sandwich.  
It's hard to believe that there are only 7 more weeks until Baby Nash is here.  We are now at the 2 week increment doctor's appointments and then my weekly visits start at the end of next month.    


  1. P is so sweet. Carson used to love going with me. Dr Hartley would let him do the Doppler with her.

  2. I keep seeing that restaurant at Preston and Park and was wondering how it is... I'll probably stick to Panera too :)
