Sunday, December 29, 2013

baby no. 2 {32 weeks}

how far along? 32 weeks
how are you measuring? measuring right on track
size of baby? size of a jicama
heartbeat? 142bpm (at our 30 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? 26lbs.....I might have eaten a little too much this week.  Too much good food!! 
maternity clothes? Yep.  I had to move up a bra size because I'm busting out of my regular ones.  I'm still loving my maternity uniform of maternity skinny jeans, a maternity shirt, non-maternity cardigan and a scarf.  I've worn a scarf in the last 4 or 5 weekly pics.  They have made me still feel stylish while wearing maternity clothes. 
stretch marks? I haven't been good about lotioning up this week but I still haven't spotted any new stretch marks and I can barely see the few that I got from Pearson.  
sleep? The week has been crazy.  I am now getting up three times a night to go to the bathroom.  Most nights I go to bed in pain because of the odd belly pain at the top of my belly. It goes away at some point during the night but it's replaced with my sciatic nerve hurting in my left butt cheek.  Fun times.  Plus, I've spent about 3 night this week partially sleeping on the couch.  Matt's had a head cold and has been snoring like crazy so when I can't get him to stop I move to the couch.  But I'm totally fine sleeping on the couch because it actually seems to help with my sciatic nerve and I sleep well on the couch too.  
best moment this week? Celebrating our last Christmas as a family of three.  It was so fun experience Christmas through Pearson this year.  He loved every bit of it. 
movement? Yes!! All the time.  I'm not sure when he sleeps.
food cravings? Nothing really specific this week.  I had so many delicious Christmas goodies that I didn't really have to crave anything.  I need to put myself on a diet for the rest of my pregnancy or I will be well on my way to gain more than I did with Pearson.  
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? I really miss being able to be productive.  
what i'm looking forward to? Getting the walls decorated in Nash's room and starting to nest!!
how are you feeling? My belly pain was awful this week because I was up on my feet so much.  Christmas day was the worst.  I was hurting all day long starting about 9:30.  No fun at all.  
comparisons to last pregnancy? I feel like I am gaining weight in all the wrong places this go round, my boobs, my butt, my cheeks, my chin and my legs.  Blah!  I really thought that I wouldn't stress about gaining weight this pregnancy because I gained 40lbs with Pearson and then lost 45lbs easily afterwards.  But I still stress about it.  Gaining weight is just not fun even when you are growing a baby.  I've heard losing baby #2 weight is hard but I'm praying it just falls off like it did with Pearson.  

Here I am 32 weeks with Pearson and 32 weeks with Nash

1 comment:

  1. I also had so many delicious Christmas goodies that I didn't really have to crave anything. I've heard losing baby #2 weight is hard but I'm praying it just falls off like it did with Pearson.

    Diaper Bags
