Wednesday, December 25, 2013

christmas day

I'm so thankful that both of our families live close and we can always have Christmas morning at our own home!!
In true toddler fashion, Pearson walked right past his big Santa gift and went straight for his stocking.  
 Who needs a scooter when you can have 14 cent matchbox cars. 
 Once he was finished opening his stocking we got him to notice his scooter and he loves it.  It's so cute to hear him say "I scoot!"
 Before we opened any presents he helped both of us open our stockings.  
 Pearson loved opening up his three presents.  After he unwrapped each present he would say "Oh wow....wus dat" before he would even open the box.  He loved all of his presents but wasn't even interested in playing with anything because he was ready to help us open our presents.  
 I loved having a littler helper open my presents with me. 
 After all of our presents were opened we headed outside for a bit to test out Pearson's new scooter.  He knew just what to do!!  I think we are going to have  alot of fun with his new scooter. 
 Our normal Christmas morning tradition is to have a big breakfast just the three of us, but this year we just had banana bread and chai tea lattes because we went to my grandma's house for brunch.  I missed having our normal big breakfast but it sure was nice to not have to spend any time in the kitchen this year!!
Oh man y'all, this stupid belly pain that I have been having was like The Grinch that Stole Christmas.  I only have two pictures to show for our afternoon/evening on Christmas.  Normally I don't start hurting until later in the afternoon or evening after being up and about alot, but today the pain started around 9:30am and never really went away.  I was pretty miserable on Christmas day so I didn't really get any good pictures after we left our house.  So sad.  I need to train Matt to take more pictures for me!!

Pearson got a cool remote control car at Oma's house after we had brunch.  
 After brunch we headed home nap time then headed to Matt's sister's house for Christmas with his side of the family.
We had lots of yummy appetizers, played on the girls new XBoxOne, watched the little ones play, ate a delicious dinner,  enjoyed opening gifts together, and of course play some Mexican Train!!  I'm just so sad that I didn't get any pictures of our time together.  Next year I WILL be better!!


  1. We still need to go by Oma's house

  2. I got some good ones from Oma's house, I think.

  3. I got some good ones from Oma's house, I think.
