Tuesday, December 24, 2013

christmas at lolly & pops

We started our Christmas Eve at church with my family.  One of my favorite tradition is going to the candlelight service each year.  Pearson enjoyed "singing praises to God" with us.  After each song he would say "I yike dat song!" I love that he is truly learning the real meaning of Christmas.  I hope he always remembers that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Savior and not about what Santa brings us or how many presents we get.

For as long as I can remember we have celebrated Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve.  Even when we were kids we would always open presents as a family on Christmas Eve (after we didn't believe in Santa) so we could sleep in on Christmas morning!! 
I just love the little matching outfits that Mom made for the kids this year!  Pearson called it his "tire" shirt instead of his tie shirt. 
Since we had been opening a new book every night for the past 24 nights and then had Christmas at Nonnie's house the night before, Pearson knew just what to do with all the presents at Lolly & Pops house!!
He got some cool gifts from them including some power tools and tool bag.  He was so sweet telling them Thank You!!
Once he was finished opening gifts, he ran off to play with one of his new trucks and trailers while the adults opening gifts.  
Dad is always so hard to surprise for Christmas but Mom and I pulled off a surprise for him and got him an iPad.  It wasn't actually from me, it was from my Mom, but I had to help her pick it out and buy it online!!
My big gift from my parents this year was a Kitchen Aid Mixer.  I can't wait to get in the kitchen with my little helper!!

After presents with my family, my Dad's side of the family came over for dinner and more gifts.  I got really lazy with the picture taking and didn't take a single one because my belly was really starting to hurt from being up and moving so much.  


  1. I love my mixer! I got it with wedding giftcards! I use it all the time! Love it! I hear you about taking pictures! I was pretty terrible at it this year as well! It was just more fun to watch the boys open gifts than take pictures! Glad to hear y'all had a great holiday!

  2. You're going to love your mixer!! :)
