Monday, December 23, 2013

the eve of christmas eve

On the Eve of Christmas Eve as I like to call it, we celebrated with my Mom's side of the family at Nonnie's house.  We had lots of yummy finger food, chili and an abundance of desserts.  This year my Aunt Phyllis planned lots of fun games for us to play throughout the night.  We had a great time with our family eating, playing games and opening gifts.  

And here's an abundance of  pictures to prove it!!

Pearson has my cousin, Kennedy wrapped around his little finger.  He could get her to do anything for him!
 He loves my cousin Ashton too! He mainly loves all the attention they give him!
 One of the games we played you won a dollar when you guessed the character on your back. 
 Carson showing all the cousins his iPod. 
I love this guy!! 
Getting a family picture with a 2 year old is not that easy!!  This wasn't what I was going for, but I love it!!
 This was the best we could get for the night!
 My uncle Richard and his fiancé Jo.  They got engaged the night before.  We just love her and are so happy for her to be a part of our family. 
 My sweet aunt Phyllis and cousin Walter.  I can't believe how big all of my cousins are getting.  He just got accepted to LSU and will be attending there in the fall. 
 I just love how these two sweet cousins have starting getting along and playing together.  They definitely have their moments when they fight but they really do love each other. 
 Kennedy teaching Pearson the art of selfies.  
 Nonnie, Lolly and Pearson.  I should have popped into this picture and it would have been four generations. 
Not a good picture at all but I thought it was so funny that both kids have their fingers in their nose.  
 Nonnie gave me a gift certificate to get my house cleaned before Baby Nash arrives!! Best gift ever!!
Carson got a DJ table from Nonnie.  Pearson and Carson were putting on a show for us.   
After Pearson opened all of his presents he had to help everyone else open theirs.  
 Love my Mom & Dad!
Lolly & Pops and all three of their little blessings.   
I can't wait to add Nash to this crazy bunch next year!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the turn out of the pics of the 3 of you. Thank goodness for quick cameras!
