Friday, February 21, 2014

grammy comes to town

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 21st, 2014

  After 12 wonderful days together (7 days off work) Matt finally had to go back to work on Wednesday.  I am still not allowed to drive or pick up Pearson so I needed some help to get through the week, so Grammy came to town to help us out on Tuesday night!!  We don't have a guest room anymore so she actually stayed with my parents but she was at our house from the moment Pearson woke up until we got both boys to bed.  She was such a huge help to us!!!  She not only entertained and took care of Pearson, loved on and helped out with Nash, but she did many loads of laundry, did lots of dishes, cleaned my floors, cleaned out some cabinets, ironed Matt's shirts and drove me around to run some errands!  I am so thankful that she was able to stay with us for a few days.  I definitely couldn't have made it through this week without her.

Here are a few pictures from our last three days together…...
Thanks Grammy for helping us out for the last few days.  We LOVED having you stay with us!!


  1. Oh Grammy needs to visit us next! I have dirty floors, and messy cabinets! :) glad she was able to spend time with y'all, and bond with baby Nash!

  2. I had so much fun with you guys. I was sad to have to go.

  3. What a blessing!!
