Saturday, February 22, 2014

visitors {week 2}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 21st, 2014

Nash had more visitors this week and we had more delicious meals delivered.  Seriously, whoever invented taking new meals to Moms was so smart.  It has been such a blessing to us as we adjust to our new little family of four.

Our next door neighbor came to meet our little guy.  
Carissa and Landry came over Saturday evening and brought us breakfast for dinner!!
While Carissa and I chatted, Landry and Pearson had so much fun playing together.  
Sunday night Jenny and Tim came to visit and bring us dinner.  

Pearson is OBSESSED with Tim.  He talks about him all the time so as soon as he got here Pearson asked him to read book with him.  
On Monday The Hjertstedts came over and brought us dinner.  One of the fun things about having meals brought to you is trying out new recipes.  She made Strawberries Romanoff (like they have at La Madeline) for dessert and it was soooooo good.  It was a delicious light dessert and I can't wait to try it again.  
Wednesday night my Mom made us a delicious dinner at her house.  Pearson was in heaven hanging out with both of his grandmas.  
On Thursday the Hutchison's brought us dinner.  I didn't get a picture of Michelle with Nash because her little boy was sick and she didn't want to spread any germs.

And of course Grammy came to town for a few days!!
It's going to be a sad day when meals from family and friends stop coming.  It has been so nice not having to cook or even think about what to cook.  Thankfully I've got my freezer all stocked up with meals that when that day comes I can slowly ease back into cooking!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have such a wonderful support group of friends, neighbors, and family.
