Sunday, February 23, 2014

baby no. 2 {40 weeks}

Happy Due Date Little Man!!
We are so happy that we didn't have to wait until our due date to meet our newest little love.  We have enjoyed getting to snuggle with him for the last 16 days!!!

how far along? Not pregnant anymore but we have a 2 week old!!
how are you measuring? I'm shrinking but still have lots to lose. 
size of baby? 7lbs 7.5oz at our 2 week appointment on Wednesday
heartbeat? It's beating!!
total weight gain/loss? Down 15 pounds….20 more to go!
maternity clothes? Mixture of stretchy comfy clothes (and PJ's) and maternity clothes.
stretch marks? Yup! But he's totally worth it!!
sleep? Nash is already sleeping so well.  The first week I set my alarm for every 3-4 hours at night but after our two week appointment when we found out he had already gain a pound and a half since we left the hospital I quit setting my alarm.  For the past four nights he has gone 5-6 hours in between feedings and he goes down very easily after each feeding.  I'm definitely tired because my sleep is interrupted but we aren't totally sleep deprived by any means.  And we haven't had any sleepless nights……yet.
best moment this week? So many great moments in the past two weeks……meeting Nash, spending quality time with Matt in the hospital, seeing Pearson take on the role of a big brother, having Matt home for a week and a half, and having my MIL help us out for a few days.  
movement? Nash is a pretty chill baby.  He loves to have his hands by his face so he is constantly moving them to get them right where he wants them.  
food cravings? Nothing really.  Oddly enough I haven't had a single Chai Tea Latte since I have had Nash.  
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? Wearing my real clothes.  I'm so ready to be in my regular clothes.  I tried to put on my regular pants too early with Pearson and was so sad when they didn't even come close to fitting.  I learned my lesson and am going to wait to even try them on until I know they will fit.  Until then, I'll still be in my maternity clothes and my collection of stretchy clothes that hide my "mummy tummy".
what i'm looking forward to? Watching my boys develop a sweet relationship and be the best of buds!!
how are you feeling? Great!  So happy to not be pregnant anymore!!!
comparisons to last pregnancy? The recovery after this c-section has been SO much easier.  I'm moving around great and even going to attempt to go to MOPS tomorrow.  

I  wasn't pregnant with Nash at 38 or 39 weeks so I didn't have any comparison photos for these weeks but here I was with Pearson at 38 and 39 weeks!!  It was actually kind of nice having Nash early and not have to go through the last few weeks of being miserable.  
Here I am 40 weeks with Pearson and 40 weeks with Nash
**Clearly I had a little more time on my hands with just one kid to put some make up on and fix my hair!!  With two kids, I only had time to shower today…..but at least I had time for that!!!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so cozy in that wrap! I'm so happy you guys have adjusted well! It only gets more fun!

    I'm REALLY hoping I get another good sleeper;) cross your fingers for me:)
