Thursday, March 20, 2014

let the madness begin

A few nights ago we all filled out our brackets for the March Madness tournament.  Pearson made all of his choices on his own for his bracket and we all three took turns choosing for Nash's bracket.
I had so much fun watching Pearson and Matt fill out his bracket.  Matt tried to help him out and re-ask who he wanted if he made a bad choice, but he always had his mind made up.  Needless to say, he has quite a few upsets in his bracket and chose and 8 seed to win the whole tournament.
Pearson is always talking about Baylor or saying "Go Bears" so we were kind of surprised about one of his picks.
This year I'm cheering for Florida.
Matt is rooting for Witchita State.
Pearson is going for Kentucky. 
Nash is hoping for Baylor.

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